General Information about the access to New Akan Hotel
- ▪ Please refer to the direction provided by New Akan Hotel, Kushiro: LINK
- ▪ For people coming from Tokyo: Please select the flight from Haneda Airport to Kushiro Airport.
Transition from Tokyo(Haneda airport) to Kushiro to New Kan Hotel:
- ▪ You are recommended to take the airplane JAL 543 from Haneda (12:55) to Kushiro (14:35) on August 26, 2023.
- ▪ We arrange a chartered bus on August 26 to move from Kushiro Airport to New Akan Hotel, which departs at 15:00 and arrive at the hotel around 16:30.
- ▪ Other selections of flights: ANA741 (11:10 - 12:45), ANA4773(16:15 - 17:55).
Transition from New Kan Hotel to Kushiro to Tokyo (Haneda airport):
- ▪ Only public bus available on August 31. (One way: 2190JPY for adult, 1100JPY for child.)
- ▪ Recommendation: Take bus at Akan Lake Bus Center, which departs at 7:30, 10:20, 11:50, 12:30, 16:00.
- ▪ The bus to depart at 10:20 will first go to each hotel to pick up passengers from 9:45 to 10:20, so you can also take the bus at your hotel. (Confirm with your hotel, please!)
- ▪ The bus to depart at 11:50 will leave bus center and pick passengers at each hotel and then head to airport. The seat only for this bus can be reserved.
- ▪ Recommendation of flights: JAL 540 (10:05-11:50) or ANA 4772 (09:55 - 11:40), August 31, 2023.
Bus information:
- ▪ Except for the charter bus, you can take the public bus from Kushiro Airport to Akan Lake Bus Center, which is about 300m to New Akan Hotel. No need to reserve the seats. But the seats maybe not available.
- ▪ Position of Akan Lake Bus Center:
- ▪ Timetable of bus: [Original site], [Google translation]. Bus time table: to hotel (PDF) , to airport (PDF).
(Last updated on August 26, 2023)