About NMSP2019
This workshop focuses on numerical methods for spectral problems involving differential operators both from the theoretical and applications point of view. Workshop topics include, but are not limited to, finite element methods, rigorous error bounds for eigenvalue problems, and spectral geometry.
This workshop is supported by RIMS, Kyoto University, Japan. LINK (RIMS共同研究(公開型), 2019).
All the presentations in this workshop are invited talks.
Acknowledgement to RIMS / 論文への謝辞記載に関するお願いについて
Please add the following acknowledgement to your research papers, which befinet from this RIMS workshop.
This work was supported by the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, an International Joint
Usage/Research Center located in Kyoto University.
Map of Kyoto University campus
The place of workshop on Sep 1 is located at Rm 127, Bd 3, Kyoto University, which is different from the RIMS building.
On Sep 1, 18:00, there will be a welcome party at MON restauraunt. About 4000JPY for each person. (HP and Location)
Please fill the form at SmartChair and let me know whether you will attend the events.
- 1) 9/1 (Sunday) At 19:00 18:00, there will be a welcome party near by Kyoto university: (HP and Location of restaurant MON )
- 2) 9/3 (Tuesday) In the afternoon, we will move to Arashiyama (with river and mountain) for a short tourist. In the evening, there will be the banquet nearby Arashiyama station (About 6000JPY for each person).
- Sep 3, 18:00 18:30, 京料理 とりよね (HP: https://r.gnavi.co.jp/kada200/ )
Venue and date
The workshop will be held on September 2~4, 2019, at RIMS, Kyoto University, Japan.
- ▪September 1: Welcome party
- ▪September 2: Regular sessions and banquet in the evening
- ▪September 3: Regular sessions and local excursion in the evening
- ▪September 4: Regular sessions until 12:00
The regsitration will be available on September 1 along with a welcome party at evening.
There will be also a mini-symposium on September 1 at Kyoto University with topic on verified computing and computer-assisted proof. The detail will be announced on July.
Registration fee
- ▪No registration fee for this workshop.
- ▪The participants to attend the welcome party and banquest shall pay the fee. The detail will be announced around July.
Keynote speakers
(order by length of name and affiliation)
- ▪Daniele Boffi, University of Pavia, Italy
- ▪Peter Monk, University of Delaware, USA
- ▪Shin'ichi Oishi, Waseda University, Japan
- ▪Michael Plum, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
- ▪Jiachang Sun, Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Important dates
- ▪Early registration deadline for participants requiring Japanese visa: April 15, 2019
- ▪Registration and abstract submission deadline: June 23 June 30, 2019
(If you cannot submit the abstract before the deadline, please contact Liu directly.) - ▪Confirmation of acceptance: June 30 July 15, 2019
- ▪補足:本研究集会は応用数理学会の年会と重ねっているので、
応用数理学会のプログラムが確定されてからの講演登録が認 められます。
Registration/abstract submission
- ▪Online registration by SmartChair LINK
- ▪The presentations in this workshop are inivited talks. We also accept limited number of contributed talks.
- ▪Xuefeng LIU (Niigata University), HP
- ▪Mitsuhiro NAKAO (Waseda University/Kyusyu University)
- ▪Shin'ichi OISHI (Waseda University)
Program Committee:
- ▪Nilima Nigam @ Simon Fraser University, Canada
- ▪Jeffrey Ovall @ Portland State University, USA
- ▪Tomas Vejchodsky @ Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic
- ▪Shinya Miyajima @ Iwate University, Japan
- ▪Xuefeng LIU @ Niigata University, Japan
Last updated: June 26, 2019